Bill Myers
Oct 24, 2020


I like the term "Link Bomb" - it conveys the message well. I prefer not to see links of any kind in the middle of a story. They distract if I click them, and if I don't, I have to remember to come back later.

I may include extra links at the bottom to other sources, not my articles, to provide additional support or alternative views to the story.

I may add links to other of my stories if they fit together. Links without a direct relationship to the story should not be included.

In either case, I provide a brief explanation of why they are there.

If at the bottom, I have the choice to ignore them of click them. It's a harder choice in the middle of an article.



Bill Myers

William “Bill” Myers, Analyzes all, Programmer, retired. If you learn anything new, find enjoyment, have a new thought, I’m successful. Photo: 1st article 1982