Jul 25, 2021
9 stories
People, i.e. strangers, frequently comment on how they love watching us dancing together. Odd since I don’t know how to dance. One lady even gave us a red rose. How do other people see you when you are out in public? Do you look happy to be together? Do you pay attention to each other? A simple story on how to improve your relationship.
* Most articles offer advice to the diabetic. This is for everyone else…
* When blood sugar drops, the body pulls sugar from the brain to keep the heart going. You need to recognize the symptoms and know what to do. If you are preparing meals, you need to know about content and timing.
* This article covers everything you need to know. It’s already changed the life for two early reviewers.
* My poor managers learned about cats. I built an app without their knowledge — I let them know after it was installed. I committed their department to a specific date.
* They had to put up with me because everybody else was ecstatic with my temperament and work. I intentionally avoided being a manager. I wouldn’t be able to behave like a cat and have fun at work. This article shows managers what to watch for and everybody else can laugh about it.
* Diets don’t work because one day they will end. This article explains how to identify and change things permanently.
* Once you’ve decided what weight you want, it provides tips to handle your everyday meals, substitution techniques, methods to stay on track, and how I handled two remissions. During the shutdown, I lost 7 pounds because larger restaurant meals were factored into my normal week. I show many detailed, usable examples. Good luck
* Someone said, “Antiabortionists are so worried about the fetus, but don’t care about the baby after it is born.”
* The Supreme Court made one big mistake with Roe-v-Wade when addressing the first half of that statement. They inserted a fuzzy middle step. I’ll address that. Also, the Court, Congress, religions, nobody, seriously mentions the other half of the abortion problem. This article identifies both parts and proposes a workable solution.
Currently, women take all the risks with sex. Men take none. DNA at birth immediately identifies the sperm provider. Other things, like the voting process, criminals and law enforcement, insurance, medicine, international travel, child support, credit verification, and who knows what else will change too. Physical credit cards may disappear and cash could become almost obsolete.
Write your values down. If you can’t, are you sure you know what they are? They may just be fuzzy thoughts floating in the air. You hope to always live by your values. However, one of the hardest things in life is when you MUST do something that conflicts with your values. This article shows how to analyze yourself and create your own list.
I finally bought one after much badgering by my dentist and dental hygienist. My teeth feel like they were cleaned by the hygienist yesterday even a month later. I don’t know how I ever got along without it, after I learned how to operate it!